Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What is in the closet?

If you came into my house, I am happy to say that you would find a clean and orderly place to relax in. I do not like clutter, it makes me irritable (to say the least) and very frazzled. Why then are my drawers and closets a different story? Just because you can't SEE them without taking the time to actually open them, does that make it all right that they aren't as neat and tidy as the rest of the house? I don't think so, yet I must admit that is how it is. Sure, they may not be as bad as the shelves of KMART during a blue light special (that is probably dating myself), but none the less they are not up to standard and that really bothers me. Unfortunately, this is a bad habit I seem to be passing down to my children. They know how upset I get when their rooms are not totally picked up. My little one said last night as I peered in her closet stuffed with baby dolls and their clothes, purses, hanging clothes (not hanging), books... "Mommy, I just wanted you to think my room was clean, and be happy" :'-( Beak my heart. Really, how can I be upset with her when she obviously learned it from SOMEONE. So, today, being a new day, we are starting with her room. We are finding a place for everything and putting everything in its place. I read that in all of the organizing magazines...and it is so true. When something doesn't have a home, where do you put it? Anywhere where you can't SEE it...which begins this whole cycle. Time to break the cycle and clean what you can't see! Hmmm...I bet there is a message in that...

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