Monday, July 5, 2010


This is something I have always known about myself, not really liked, but none the less accepted that this was how it was. What is this deep dark thing that I feel I must confess??? I am a Bad News Expecter! (if that is even a word). I am sure no one else possesses this awful quality...well at least I feel alone in it because my husband is the exact opposite. He tries, expecting the best (more than the best), fails, then tries again with the exact same expectation! He feels the wonderful emotion of excitement each time. Me...well I take the opposite stance. I always assume that there will be problems, failures, disappointments and when there is...I can know I was right. YAY for me! :-( What I have finally come to realize is that this quality makes me MISERABLE! Who wants to miserable? Not me! I have allowed this trait, if you will, dictate my every breathing moment. It sucks away any joy that living life brings, whether on your way to a failure or on your way to success. Life isn't about just getting to a specific point, it is about all the points in between. That is where you find your laughs and your memories. That is where you draw closer and find comfort in your family. There definitely will be let downs when things don't work out the way you had hoped...but I now know (just recently for some reason) that One will always turn that disappointment into good...somehow, someway. Jesus! He will make a way for those who love him and walk in his way. That is me! So I denounce being a Bad News Expecter. I vow to not let the possibility of bad news tomorrow ruin the good things of today. Will this be easy for me? Ah.....NO. But it is necessary in order to claim the joy that is mine...not to mention my family's.

1 comment:

  1. Well Penny, I am sorry but I don't think you are alone in this I TOO am always thinking the worse will come my way. But, reading this makes me think that IF you can make it so can I.......
