Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Planning Withdrawal

Every year about this time, you would no doubt find me hovering over a computer, clicking this link, then that link, reading reviews, making notes or printing pages. Or I might be huddled on the floor at Barnes and Noble, pulling this book, then that book, scanning the shelves for something new that I may have missed but might work. What was I doing? Planning! I have homeschooled my children for the past eight years and every year after the relief of school being over started to subside, at least for me, I would get the planning bug. I loved researching new curriculum and finding new items I might be able to use that next year. It gave me an outlet for my need to organize...and I was putting myself ahead of schedule. Who doesn't like that?
Well...this year my kids will be attending ACA (Apostolic Christian Academy). I am very excited about this, as are my children. It is a wonderful school...however this means there is nothing to plan for next year. Sure, I can probably make a list of school supplies that I THINK they may need and maybe create a calendar to write in their activities (to my husband's dismay I still love paper and pen), but it just isn't the same. Who would have thought that I would miss that task so much? :) I guess I need to tackle the Meal Plan! I don't know why, but I always have a hard time with that one. If and when I complete one that I love and actually use I will share it.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Blog?...Sure, I'll try

I will be the first one to admit that I am obsessed with organization (hence, the reason why I chose the name Baskets and Bins). I get so excited when I create cleaning lists, family calendars, meal plans...and I get goosebumps when I find an empty basket that I can put blankets, towels, books, toys in. Blogs are another source that I view to be under the organization umbrella. This may not be true at all, but I think of people that blog to have a grip (however loose it may be) on organization. It probably sounds like I have it all together...WRONG! I am a wanna be! I love flipping through magazines to get ideas, and then make an attempt to bring those ideas into our family. I must be honest though...my attempt is at best mediocre. This entry is not to put myself down...just an honest beginning to my road in becoming TRULY ORGANIZED! Join me in my journey. It may be a long one, but I am determined to always be moving forward.