Saturday, July 20, 2013


Two posts in two days :). This morning I had the pleasure of sitting on our deck with my husband. It was glorious, both our conversation and the weather. We admired the very clear pool before us and marveled at how well the automatic pool vacuum was working (it doesn't take much). At that moment life all snags. As we sat there and talked about our dreams, where we think our mountains are and how we think we can get over them, my husband made a, we think, profound statement. He said "We all wake up the same, mediocre..." That's where we separate into groups. Those who are satisfied with mediocrity, those who aren't but lack the drive to push out of mediocrity, and those who have a PLAN and take the steps to overcome mediocrity We definitely have not been part of that third group. We WANT to be part of that group, but sadly are not. For instance, I have a boat load of projects I'd like to do, from organization to actual home decor. I think about it, but fail to actually put it down on a to do list so I can take the steps to complete it. I think partly because of accountability. If its down on my list then I have to do it. Sure I make all kinds of excuses...I don't have supplies, I don't have money to get the supplies, I'm busy, I'm tired...blah blah blah. C'mon...I've seen those documentaries on teachers who create classes with next to nothing. We are not happy with mediocrity. Mediocrity doesn't bring joy to us. I want my life to make a difference in other people's. I want to be pleasing to God and do His will. I could be wrong, but I can't think of any mediocre people in the Bible that made a difference. There was drive. So...great conversation, provoking great thoughts, establishing great plans to create a great life.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Apparently I am making this a one post a year blog 😕... I do have good intentions though. I will be entering into my 4th year of teaching the First Grade! I love it. I think it's such a great age. You can be silly and they love can discipline them and they still love can get hugs and homemade pictures daily...what's not to love?! 😊 Just yesterday I received a call from a parent of one of my last year students. She said that her daughter was having a sleepover with another of my students and they wouldn't leave her alone until she called me so they could say hi! Melt my heart!! Each year I try to come up with better ways to do things (as I'm sure we all do) to make these kiddos excited. It is always so exciting to actually implement some of the ideas. This year I really want to have a classroom blog...I'm just afraid I won't follow through with it, kinda like this one. I see so many out there and it looks fun. 😳So...maybe I will and maybe I won't, but its exciting to think about it anyhow.